The Catholic Life of the school is integral to what we do at English Martyrs CVA and runs through all aspects of school life. We have a welcoming, caring community built on Christian values, where all members, adults and children are valued and encouraged to achieve their potential as children of God. The Catholic Identity and ethos is explicit through our teaching, the learning environment, chaplaincy provision and community cohesion.

Mission Statement – We grow and learn with the gifts we have been given, following in the footsteps of Jesus.

We believe that children are all gifts from God and as educators we help them grow and develop using their God given gifts ready for their next steps. Our 10 virtues ( respect, love, kindness, faith, love of learning, patience, courage, resilience and confidence ), link directly to our Mission Statement helping our children to live out the Mission Statement in all they do.


We believe that parents are the first educators of their children; we work collaboratively with our families to ensure we are providing the very best Catholic education we can. Please follow the link to our parents booklet.

A Partnership

We encourage our parents to support all of our children in their journey of faith. Our parish Church of St Joseph’s is an extension of our school and all families are welcome to worship God in this Church. The meaning of life as understood in the Catholic faith is explored and experienced by all those taking part in the life of the school whether they are Baptised Catholics or not, practising their faith in their own Parish or not.