Pupil Premium Grant
Pupil Premium Funding
In April 2010, the Government introduced the Pupil Premium. This additional funding was allocated to children from low-income families who were known to be eligible for Free School Meals in both mainstream and non-mainstream settings and children who had been in Local Authority Care continuously for more than six months. The Government believes that the Pupil Premium, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for Free School Meals and their wealthier peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most. This academic year we will receive £1345 per pupil for Pupil Premium children. Pupil Premium Plus which is Looked After Children (LAC) and Previously looked after children ( PLAC ) we will receive £2345 per pupil. Services children we will receive £310 per services child.
Children learn best when their learning is fun, meaningful and memorable. At English Martyrs we engage our children through the head, heart and hand approach considering the knowledge we are imparting, the virtues they need to use to engage completely with all learning and develop as well rounded citizens, and finally giving them opportunities to apply their learning and link it to real life. Subjects are integrated where possible but tenuous links are not made and sometimes subjects are taught discretely if this is considered the best way to cover the skills and concepts needed. Real life experiences and hands-on opportunities are provided wherever possible in recognition of the fact that learning is more memorable when there is a high degree of pupil involvement in an activity. Pupils in receipt of this funding are targeted where individual needs have been identified and resourcing put into place to support their access to our curriculum. Data is regularly collated and reviewed by staff, Senior Leaders and the Headteacher to monitor the progress of all pupils and plan future personalised provision using this funding.
The Wider Curriculum
Supporting children through the effective use of pupil premium funding is paramount in our school and permeates many aspects of school life. We enrich our learning through themed curriculum days, visits, opportunities to learn new skills using specialists and engagement with a wide range of resources virtually and face to face. These opportunities have given all eligible pupils the opportunity to participate in events that they may not have had the opportunity to do so otherwise. During our residential visits, pupil premium children are given opportunity to participate in many different activities which may include orienteering, climbing and assault courses. Other individuals and groups are used to enhance the variety of activities and we take full advantage when these opportunities become available.
Beyond the School Day
The school is keen to provide a wide range of extra-curricular clubs for children throughout the year which are organised by our teaching staff and/or sports coaches. Children enjoy the opportunity to work with different teachers and have the chance to try many activities such as Football, Badminton, Hockey, Boccia, Gymnastics, Dance, Creative club, Gardening, Games club and many more. We try to cater for all our children’s needs and so ask the children which clubs they would like to see included during the year through pupil surveys; we also monitor participation of pupil premium children at clubs and provide financial support for those chargeable clubs.
Please click below to see Pupil Premium Grant Spend
Pupil Premium Grant Statement 2024/2025
Pupil Premium Grant Statement 2023/2024