
A PowerPoint about expectations and routines in Year 6 can be found here

The overview for our History – Beyond Face Value is here

The Year 6 overview can be found here

PE –  Swimming on a Tuesday and Cricket on a Friday

The Current RE Knowledge Organiser is here

SATs week will run from Tuesday 9th May until Friday 12th May.

Tuesday – Spelling, punctuation and grammar test.  1 Hour

Wednesday – Reading Test.  1 Hour

Thursday – Arithmetic 30 minutes and Reasoning 1 40 Minutes

Friday – Reasoning 2 – 40 minutes

Supporting your child at home

Spelling tests will take place each Monday.

Please read 3 times each week – as a minimum and record this in your reading diary marked with a capital letter H in a circle so that home reading is clearly identifiable.

Homework Expectations – Year 6 Homework will be set every Wednesday and should be returned by the following Wednesday. Pupils are expected to complete every set task. Generally, homework will be one piece of written work or a worksheet and a set of spellings to learn.

Additionally, children must read and record their reading in their diaries at least three times each week. Updates on what we have been doing can be found on the Y6 class and on ClassDojo.  Work in books is expected to be of the same standard as work in school, with neat handwriting, diagrams in pencil and care take to include appropriate punctuation and good spelling.

House points will be awarded for good work each week.

Year 6 reading list – click here.