
Our Topic this term is  The UK- Topic Map- Who is my neighbour?

Topic knowledge Organiser UK

Knowledge Organisers: Science Knowledge Organiser – Animals and Humans

RE Knowledge Organisers- Promises

Please read this powerpoint to find out more about expectations in year 3.

PE is Swimming on Monday and Football on Tuesday

Supporting your child at home


Pupils are given their spellings on a Monday and they must be learnt for the following Monday.

Pupils are expected to read at home at least 3 times a week.

Please write in the homework diary, a letter h means home reading.

Useful reading help for parents here.

Homework Expectations – Year 3

Homework will be set every Friday and should be returned by the following Wednesday. Pupils are expected to complete every set task. Generally, homework will be one piece of work based around that week’s learning or research for upcoming learning, times tables and a set of spellings to learn.

Work in books is expected to be of the same standard as work in school, with neat handwriting, diagrams in pencil and care take to include appropriate punctuation and good spelling.

House points will be awarded for good work each week.